A roll cast is an effective method of casting that every fly fisher should learn. In fact, some fly fishers learn this cast before any others.The primary purpose of the roll cast is to give you the ability to cast when a backcast is not possible. A roll cast functions by applying the tension between the fly line and the water surface. The following guide entails four steps that a beginner may follow to how to roll cast.

Hold Your Hand at Ear Level 

Angles can make a big difference with the effectiveness of a cast. A roll cast begins with the hand at ear level. For those who cast by picturing a clock face, the rod tip should be at 2 o’clock when starting a roll cast.

Look at the Casting Point 

Casting a line is similar to hitting a baseball — you need to look exactly where you are aiming in order to pull off a flawless cast. After mastering the basic mechanics, it becomes an intuitive process that requires much less thought. Do your best to focus on a spot and you will have an easier time casting the exact way you hope to.

Move the Rod Forward and Snap the Wrist 

This is arguably the most challenging stage, because it’s easy to push the rod too far forward and hard to snap the wrist. What is most important is making this a single fluid motion, rather than a two-step process.

Hold the Rod High 

At the end of the cast, the rod tip should not drop too low, as that would result in the cast unrolling on the water surface, rather than above the water. Unrolling the line causes you to lose subtlety. Additionally, allowing the cast to unroll on the water significantly increases the risk of tangling the flies for anglers using more than one fly.

For a person who wants to learn how to roll cast, it is vital to practice the skill as much as possible. Although the process of learning a roll cast is simple, execution can take a lot longer to perfect and will require consistent practice.