Many anglers enjoy surf fishing. This short blog will touch on what this unique activity is and suggestions regarding how enthusiasts can maximize their efforts. 

Surf Fishing Overview

Surf fishing is the type of angling that enables adherents to fish from shorelines. This type of vessel-less fishing is convenient for many. However, success in this endeavor requires participants to follow several important suggestions such as:

Use Sand Spikes

Sand spikes are devices surf fishers entrench in sand to hold poles in place. You will conclude quickly that using a sand spike is much preferred to holding your pole especially when fishing multiple lines. When obtaining these products, one should be sure they are purchasing durable items capable of remaining firm in the sand. Should a pole fall into the salt water/sand it can be damaging for your equipment. 

Use “Bait Finder” Reels or Set Your Drag Appropriately 

Nothing will ruin your fishing faster than watching your entire pole get pulled into the water by a large fish before you can grab it. To avoid this problem, experienced anglers use “bait finder” reels which have a preset lighter drag setting or manually turn their drag down while the pole is resting in the sand spike. This will give the fish the ability to take line without taking your pole with it! 

Using Two Rods 

Because surf fishing is performed at the shores of large bodies of water like rivers and oceans, there are typically numerous types of fish a participant can catch. That said, experienced surf anglers often utilize two rods. Whether just doubling your chances of a bite, or fishing with multiple types of bait at the same time, the use of multiple lines will dramatically increase your chances of success. Experienced anglers will often fish with 3 or even 4 lines at a time. 

Do Not Overcast 

Experienced surf fishing enthusiasts caution novices to avoid overcasting. Many types of fish feed towards the shore where waves initially crash. Ergo, casting one’s line far is often unnecessary and might yield unfruitful results. Many people actually cast past where the fish are. Look for the first drop offs right in the surf (just ahead of where the waves crash). 

Placing Small Floats On Hooks 

Fishing along a seashore could yield creatures other than fish, most notably crabs. These life forms can precipitate frustrating line tie ups that often take significant time and effort to remediate. Seasoned surf fishers place floaters on the hooks as these items typically prevent crabs from accessing bait.