Sitting on a lake in the warm sun makes fishing an ideal activity during the lazy summer months. Fishing doesn’t have to end when the seasons change, however. Many people enjoy fishing year-round. The following fish are known to bite during the winter so that you can enjoy fishing all year long! Depending on your geography, here are a few winter fish that may be active in your area. 

Northern Pike

Northern Pikes are found in many lakes throughout the northern part of the United States and Canada. This makes them a great fish to catch during ice fishing. The spotted fish are very active and aggressive in the cold water, which means they can be caught. Northern Pikes grow up to 59 inches long and weigh up to 63 pounds, making them an impressive winter catch.


Cobia usually make their way to more southern waters over the winter, but still enjoy feeding during the cold winter months. This makes it easier for them to spot and increases the likelihood of them grabbing the bait. The dark fish is often nicknamed black salmon because it has a similar size and shape to salmon but is colored a dark or medium brown. Live bait is often one of the most successful ways to catch cobia as they hunt in the frigid waters for food.


Some parts of the country limit what type of fish may be caught during the winter; fortunately, sheepshead isn’t typically one of these types of fish. Sheepshead is common along the East Coast and is known for its human-like teeth. They are fond of crab and shrimp. Because they have a subtle bite, it can be difficult to know when a sheepshead has been hooked, so pay close attention to the line.

Channel Catfish

Those who enjoy boasting about their catch almost as much as they like fishing will enjoy catching channel catfish. Channel catfish are very active in the winter and are very aggressive year-round. Be prepared with plenty of anglers and be ready for a fight if a channel catfish are caught, as it can take plenty of strength to reel one of these impressive fish into shore.

Don’t put away the fishing rod just because the temperatures are falling. Try fishing in a cold pond or lake this winter and find new types of fish to love.